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Monday, September 24, 2018

This Is Why We Haven't Found Aliens Yet!!

With such a large universe, there are many high probability estimates that there are other extraterrestrial civilizations out there. But if there is so much life out in space, where is everybody? Here are 10 reasons why we haven’t found aliens yet.

10. We Haven’t Been Looking Long Enough
The hunt for alien life was summed up in the 1950’s by physicist Enrico Fermi, one of the designers of the atomic bomb, when he proposed what is known as the Fermi Paradox. It states that there are billions of stars in the Universe similar to our sun.

9. We Already Have but Didn’t Notice
It’s quite possible that we have already found alien life, but we’re either too distracted to have seen it, or simply don’t realize that it’s there. The only life that we know exists for sure is that which is found on our own planet, so the signs that are being looked for are based on what we’ve learned from ourselves.

8. They Live Under Distant Oceans
Keeping on the theme of alien life being very different to ours on earth, it’s very possible that there’s a huge amount of life out there in the universe, but that a lot of it exists deep beneath oceans… which would make it very difficult to detect.

7. Alien Life Hasn’t Developed Yet
Fermi’s formula for discovering life might have made a false assumption that could explain why we haven’t discovered alien life yet. It’s not that alien life hasn’t, or won’t, develop… it’s just that it might not have done so yet.

6. The Dark Forest Theory
There’s a more worrying theory about why we haven’t discovered alien life yet, and it’s called the Dark Forest theory. Some equations suggest that there should be as many as 20 civilizations living in our galactic neighborhood, but rather than reaching out to us, maybe they are purposefully keeping quiet.

5. They Live on Super-Earths
Humans have developed the technology to send vehicles beyond the orbit of our own planet, and that's a major factor in our ability to look toward distant worlds and search for life out there. But what if this development had proved too difficult to achieve? It might mean, instead, that we would be limited to exploring our own planet, and have to give up on our ideas of exploring the universe.

4. There Isn’t Any
It's not such a popular explanation with those who look at the size of the universe and the seeming unlikeliness that our planet is the only one to have developed life, but it's still possible that there simply is no alien life to discover.

3. We’re Looking in the Wrong Place for the Wrong Thing
Our search for life elsewhere in the universe is based on one major assumption- that this life is organic. Some futurists think that this is a big mistake, though, and that we should be looking for signs of robotic life.

2. Dark Energy is Pulling us Further Apart
One of the biggest mysteries of the universe is dark energy- the unknown force that is causing everything to expand. This is causing distant stars to seem dimmer to us, and scientists think that in a few trillion years, the only light that will be visible from earth will be the very closest galaxies.

1. They Have Already Died
This theory is one that has gained a lot of traction recently and is the idea that alien life was once abundant, but has already died. This could be because of natural events or, as many believe because they have caused their own extinction.

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